Making millennials part of your digital HR strategy

The world is in the middle of a fast-paced digital transformation with more and more business having to embrace it. There are lots of reasons why, but as millennials stream into the UK workforce and become such an integral part of its future success, tech is king and a workplace without it seems impossible to compute.

Millennials or Generation Y (and for those of us who don’t exactly know that that means, are those born between 1981 – 1997) are the first generation to have IT at the heart of learning and digital & social technology at the heart of their everyday lives.  So, they will of course expect any employer to understand the power of tech won’t they?

It’s not just a case of turning on the latest laptop or mobile phone. Businesses need to think about the critical part tech and digital plays in engaging with staff. There is also an increasing expectation that businesses use digital to showcase how they are moving with the times, engaging with the younger generation, investing in digital transformation and future success.

A large proportion of millennials are far more socially conscious and are looking for their employer to show their commitment to this rather than just making money. It’s easy to do this through a digital platform that demonstrates a commitment to reward and wellbeing.

It’s of course important not to alienate other generations but by 2025 a huge percentage of the British workforce will be made up of millennials. What’s interesting is there is an emerging trend in other parts of the world for there to be a candidate driven HR process, from recruitment to onboarding and retention. They are expecting their employers to be creative, demonstrating their worth through a whole host of activity but providing accessible and considered employee benefits digitally can be high on their agenda.

Companies need to and can easily design a structure of rewards that capture the core values of their employees whilst demonstrating an understanding of their personal and career priorities. It should not just be about perks and vouchers but a well-balanced, holistic approach to employee benefits that brings reward and employee care together in an accessible platform they can engage with.

For some HR professionals, facing the world of technology and understanding the positive impact it can have can seem daunting but embracing it means an enhanced HR experience. The most important attribute is increasing engagement with the thing that should matter the most to your business – your people.

Whether you are tech savvy or not, making your people happy people must be a priority and providing a digital outlet for rewards, support, advice and employee care is something you can’t afford not to think about.

For more information about how the PES happypeople platform can help you not only support your digital strategy but also help you to engage with your current and future employees give us a call on 01454 550379.