HR Infographic: What is ESG?

Infographic: What is ESG?

Can an ESG strategy and benefits combat ‘The Great Resignation’?

COVID-19 prompted an eruption of resignations, with many citing the desire to forge a new career path.

New research found that employees are eager to change roles in search of better benefits; in fact, the number one reason for a change in career cited in the UK was salary and benefits.

Articles outlining ‘The Great Resignation’ discuss employees leaving roles at big names like Dyson, to be a part of a bigger plan to help the planet fight climate change.

92% of millennials will be more likely to trust a company that supports social or environmental issues. This makes these businesses more attractive to potential recruits and existing employees.

HR can utilise these employee aspirations to support the attraction of top talent and ultimately turn ‘The Great Resignation’ into ‘The Great Retention’.

What is ESG and how does it apply to your employees?

We have put together this infographic to educate you on just that.

Amba can help you with all the suggested ESG services mentioned in the infographic. Download it here.

What are the benefits of ESG?

  • E – More customers and employees are attracted to sustainable practices. It also impacts the bottom line, as productivity increases and operational costs can be lowered.
  • S – Sustainable practices build stronger community relations, boost employee morale, attract and retain talent, and result in improved social credibility.
  • G – You can expect better investor and employee relations, the ability to overcome increasing regulatory pressure, and government support.

How to implement an ESG strategy

Implementing ESG practices and processes can be a daunting step. Our platform, Lumina, includes your choice of many ESG products and services, plus your flexible employee benefits platform, HR Information System, online payslips, and other work-related technology, so it’s all in one place. Good for people, good for the planet.

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Rise of the climate conscious employee

Get your decision makers on board, with our business case to reduce your company carbon footprint.

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