Sustainable employee benefits: Electric cars are a quick win

Sustainable employee benefits that support people and planet

Prior to The Great Resignation, candidates were increasingly seeking employers that matched their values. Now it’s in full swing, one thing is certain – looking after the planet and making Net Zero commitments is fast becoming a key differentiator for hiring businesses in attracting and retaining the best possible people.

Organisational sustainability sounds like a big hairy goal, and it is. Businesses are recruiting for, or have placed, Sustainability Managers, ESG Managers and other similar roles to ensure that they employ sustainable practices and simultaneously enhance their employer brand.

A good place to start – sustainable employee benefits

Knowing where to start with organisational sustainability can be daunting. A ‘quick win’ which can immediately address both organisational sustainability and attraction/retention challenges is to switch to an electric vehicle (EV) provider for the company car benefit.

Electric vehicles are of significant benefit to employees as they are tax efficient when offered via salary sacrifice. Employees save 30-60% and it’s funded by the Government to encourage a switch to electric cars, and help the UK get to net zero.

Plus, when employees are driving down their own carbon footprint, they are driving down the business’s, too.

Working with ESG employee benefit providers

We work with a range of providers, all of which can be accessed through our employee engagement platform, Lumina.

The Electric Car Scheme are one of our EV partners. Tom Eilon, one of the founders, comments:

“The environmental benefits of electric cars are obvious, there are no greenhouse gas emissions, and switching to electricity as the source of fuel eliminates more than 70% of the carbon impact of driving.

There are also other myths around electric cars. Some worry about running out of battery on the road, but as most cars now have a range of over 200 miles, and 99% of car journeys are under 100 miles, this is no longer a concern. The convenience of home charging compared to standing around at petrol stations is also a big plus!

Going Green is significantly cheaper than you think – the cost of fuel per mile is 4-5x cheaper for electric cars compared to their petrol equivalent (possibly even more with the price of fuel where it is today!).

As a country, we have committed to no new diesel or petrol cars being sold by 2030, so we will all be embracing this change before too long. And indeed, many progressive employees and employers are already doing this today.”

Helping your employees switch to a greener commute.

Lumina is an employee engagement portal that links employee benefits and your people technology into one, easy to use, dashboard. It includes the option of having the above electric car benefit, plus a flexible employee benefits platform, HR Information System, online payslips, and other work-related technology, so it’s all in one place.

You decide the right tiles and products for your business, so your employees can manage their working lives. 

The Lumina Planet tile encourages your employees to take up more environmentally friendly alternatives to everyday benefits, such as:

  • tree planting
  • carbon offsetting
  • electric vehicles
  • discounts on renewable energy tariffs
  • measuring the carbon footprint for each employee, aggregating this data for an overall company score

We would be delighted to show you how Lumina could work for your business. Book a free, no-obligations demo of our platform today.  

Book a demo

Or get a 1:1 introduction to our partner, The Electric Car Scheme, with this link.

Get your decision makers on board, with our business case to reduce your company carbon footprint. Download for free here.