Flexible employee benefits

The benefits you offer represent your values as an organisation and show whether you care about what matters most to your people.

Using our Lumina technology and expert guidance, we’ll help you to create a flexible, affordable, ESG-focused benefits package – one that builds your people’s sense of belonging in your organisation.

What are flexible benefits?

Everyone has different needs and priorities, and the best employee benefits packages embrace this.
They allow employees to choose to contribute a part of their pre-tax income to receive different levels of benefits.
They allow employees to select and de-select benefits so that every perk is relevant to your people.
They offer a wide range of benefits that embodies everything your employees value

69% of employees stated they would choose one job over another if it offered better benefits


Why Amba?

Benefits that speak to everyone Not all flexible packages are equal. Some might provide the typical benefits – retirement planning and family support and healthcare – but forget to echo the values of an emerging generation of employees.
Take the lead on ESG Benefits can be a catalyst for change. Amba can help you design a flexible benefits package that speaks to your people, does the Earth good, and represents the best values of your organisation.
Navigate costs and priorities We’ll work with you to engage your people and help you to offer what resonates with them most. We’ll also help you navigate competing priorities and costs so you can build an affordable package that you can add to over time.

How do you see your current benefits range?

Everyone we work with comes from a different starting place.

No matter what you offer currently, or how engaged employees are, we can help take your benefits to the level you want them to be.

Benefits evolve over time, what you start with on day 1 may be different to what is needed on day 365.  We will work with you to help your benefits range match the changing needs of your business and employees.

Lumina – sustainable employee benefits in one place

Lumina gives employers the edge by hosting all of your benefits online in one easy-access platform, cutting down on the admin. With a level for every budget and need, Lumina can light the way to ethical benefits that are easier for yourself and your people.

Speak to a new generation of values-driven talent

Not every organisation can spend the earth on benefits, but you can compete on a different scale. Let your employees choose to protect the earth instead.